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 DD's News October 12th

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DD's News October 12th Empty
PostSubject: DD's News October 12th   DD's News October 12th Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 1:59 pm

Uncharted is coming out tomorrow but if you are lucky you can get a Navarro skin code to play him in multi player. I don't know how to get him though

DD's News October 12th Resistance3billboard
For many, seeing is believing, and if you’re looking at a gigantic billboard proclaiming the existence of the as-of-yet-unnannounced third installment in the popular Resistance franchise from Insomniac, well, it’s kinda hard NOT to believe. Tipsters to Joystiq down in Shreveport, Louisiana, apparently a popular hot spot for film shoots, snapped the above billboard image in their home town, which is believed to be a part of the set for an upcoming film titled Battle: Los Angeles (due out in 2011). Clearly visible within the Resistance 3 logo is the Statue of Liberty, making one assume the game will be heavily tied to NYC.

DD's News October 12th Masseffect2
It’s been a big morning for rumors so far and next up comes a tasty little morsel suggesting that BioWare’s Mass Effect 2 will be making its way onto Sony’s PlayStation 3. This via two websites (non-US) that are listing the game for the console along with its already announced PC and 360 counterparts. Both EA’s Russian site and an Australian game retail site clearly include the PlayStation 3 in the list of platforms for the game, meaning Sony’s console would see the popular franchise for the first time.

While it’s not official at the moment, it wouldn’t come as much of a surprise if Mass Effect 2 was indeed confirmed for the PlayStation 3. Why? Because with EA behind the wheel, we expect that kinda drivin’.
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Age : 35
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DD's News October 12th Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD's News October 12th   DD's News October 12th Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 7:46 pm

how do i get the navaro skin ? and already a new resistance 3 >_> I don't care much for mass effect 2
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